Rocket Mah Jongg Introduction to Hong Kong In this class we will learn the basics of Hong Kong style of Mah Jongg.

You may be asking yourself “why are we learning Hong Kong style if we live in America?”  (Good question!) Hong Kong style is basically the way the game was originally played in China, and is the basis for all other forms of the game, including the American version and  variations like Rummikub and Uno.  

The American version of the game has added A LOT of its own twists to the original (most notably, a card of winning hands that changes annually, a series of tile exchanges at the start of the game, and the use of Jokers), which make the learning curve for American style much steeper.  Learning the Hong Kong style is easier, as it has a more logical progression, and guess what?  Faye and I (and quite a lot of our students) actually PREFER playing Hong Kong style! It is faster and more strategic - and if you decide to give American a try at a later date, this is a great basis to start from. 

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